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Monday, July 31, 2023

Call for submissions

দূর্গা পূজার সময় স্কুলের ছুটি থাকত, তখন প্রচুর গল্পের বই পড়ার সুযোগ পেতাম । কিন্তু একটা বিশেষ বইয়ের জন্যে সারা বছর অপেক্ষায় থাকতাম কখন হাতে পাবো - পূজাবার্ষিকী আনন্দমেলা ।  

পরীক্ষা চলাকালীন যদিও বা পূজাবার্ষিকী বাড়িতে চলে আসতো, আমি সেটা পড়ার টেবিলের ড্রয়ারে ঢুকিয়ে রাখতাম ।  রোজ একবার করে ড্রয়ার খুলে দেখতাম আর মনকে সান্তনা দিতাম যে পরীক্ষাটা ভাল করে দিয়ে নি এরপর উপভোগ করে পড়ব । শুধু পড়া? শুয়ে, কাত হয়ে, চিৎ হয়ে, উপুর হয়ে, কাঁথা মুড়ি দিয়ে, দাঁড়িয়ে, চলতে চলতে, খেতে খেতে - কত ভাবে যে পড়তাম তার হিসেবে নেই । অল্প বয়েসে চশমাটা বোধ হয় তাই লেগেছে । 😄

তখন লেখকের গল্প বলার কৌশলে হারিয়ে যেতাম সুন্দরবনের জঙ্গলে বা লন্ডন শহরের ভীড়ে কিংবা আফ্রিকার কোনো দুর্গম উপত্যকায় । গল্পগুলো আর মনে নেই । মনে আছে শুধু অনুভূতিগুলো আর কৈশোরের সেই মধুর স্মৃতি । 

আমরা কি সবাই মিলে সেই ভালো লাগাটা  আবার ফিরিয়ে আনতে পারি না ?

এর আগেও একটি crowd-sourced  বই বের করেছিলাম Valentine’s theme এ  “Love Notes” বলে ।  এইবার পূজো উপলক্ষেও একটা বের করতে চাই । তাই বন্ধুদের আবার পাশে চাই । বাংলায় লেখা কবিতা, গল্প, রেসিপি,  ভ্রমণ কাহিনী, হাতে আঁকা ছবি বা ফটোগ্রাফ- সব চলবে ।একটাই অনুরোধ - নিজেরা ভালো করে প্রুফরিড করে এরপর পাঠাবেন তাতে আমার কাজটা অনেক সহজ হয়ে যাবে । 

ধন্যবাদ !

( You may share this post with anyone interested in contributing. Deadline: Sept 30, 2023)

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Weird Barbie

Last evening, I watched the Barbie movie with a few friends. I was expecting it to be a pure comedy, but the themes were, surprisingly,  gender equality and patriarchy. And some hard-hitting truths.

*** Spoilers ahead***

It is naive when the Barbies in the Barbieland think that by creating several templates of professionally successful women like doctors, astronauts, Novel laureates, and Presidents, the brand "Barbie" has managed to inspire women to reach out for their dreams. Unfortunately, a Barbie is considered a symbol of bimboism. In the real world, the stereotypical Barbie would be a super fake-looking woman with fake boobs and a push-up bra, thick layers of pink make-up, hair dyed in some horrendous colors, and someone never seen without high heels. So much so that her feet can not rest flat on the ground.

You would also conclude that someone as obsessed with their looks and keeping up with fashion trends would have minimal intellect. Someone who can't talk about anything other than themselves. Who needs things to be explained to them, spelled forward and backward, to get them to understand what is happening. Someone incapable of feelings, thoughts, or even reflecting on existential questions like - what is the meaning of life or death.


Barbie is not about making us feel bad about being unavailable to achieve unrealistic beauty standards but also about giving us a dream and chasing it. If Barbie didn't exist, women would find something else to compare ourselves to because we like to suffer. And people take advantage of that insecurity and petty jealousies and make us clash while they can keep doing what is essential. Grow ourselves in every possible way.

When talented women fight for the attention of mediocre men. When the competition is not about who can deliver the most value but who can grab the most attention, we lose. The "sisterhood" loses.

There is a running joke about Mattel churning out friends of Barbie every year, "If Barbie is so popular, then why do you have to buy her friends? " My business mind says that it is an exercise in getting a customized doll for every child. As a kindergartener, I identified myself more as Skipper, the lesser-known sister of a more successful sibling. Having a more mathematically gifted sibling did that for me. Someone like Mackenzie Keene, the younger sister of Katy Keene in the limited 2000s series that appeared in Archie's Comics. 

But now, the world is a little more my own, and I know that even Skipper has a purpose. Not only to complement Barbie, she can grow up to be her own person. Even if not brilliant, she can succeed in her chosen field if she applies herself. In fact, with time, she can do better than her more gifted family members by sheer grit. And a bit of luck.

She doesn't even have to feel bad if she has exceeded her expectations about her place in the world, not in someone else's shadow, but as a shining example herself.

Boss by day, Barbie by night

Created using Barbie Selfie generator

The Weird Barbie
Though there were different references to pop culture and several guffawable (I made up this word right now) moments, one character really stood out for me - Weird Barbie. She embodies the persona of an outsider whose unique qualities are not entirely embraced by the other inhabitants of Barbieland.

She is the doll we played with too hard. Everyone had one of those- the one we shampooed the hair of, and it turned frizzy. Then we decided to give it a haircut but found out that we cut it too short, and now we can not tie it to hide the irregularity of the hairline. The one someone painted the eyes on, or you decided to add eyeshadow with your favorite glitter pen. The outcome was a grotesque-looking doll that made Annabelle look positively angelic. 

Apparently, the "Weird Barbie" character was inspired by the YA sci-fi novel "The Giver," where the main character is the only one with memories and emotions in a society where everyone else is the same.

The world is full of those weird Barbies who speak the truth, but in a language nobody understands. Whose weirdness or quirkiness gets in the way of communicating their sanity. Or at least, clarity of thought, The village madman is pronounced a prophet when everything has burned down.

Even I sometimes feel like the "weird" one when I shout my premonition from the top of the roof, which is nothing but a pattern observed from historical events. Yet, people decide I am raining on their parade. Then they come back to apologize, eventually. But we need these witches, these weirdos, these soothsayers. What is in a label? 

The Monologue 
One particular monologue by America Ferrera as Gloria in 'Barbie' stood out for me; even if it smells of vacuous victimhood at first, there is some truth to it.

It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.

You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can’t ask for money because that’s crass. You have to be a boss, but you can’t be mean. You have to lead, but you can’t squash other people’s ideas. You’re supposed to love being a mother, but don’t talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men’s bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you’re accused of complaining.

You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.

I’m just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing women, then I don’t even know.

It is hard being a woman in a man's world already. Don't make it harder by implying to each other that we are not enough. Men can be our allies too. But when have you seen the powerful sharing their power deliberately? Very few understand the balance required for the world to function. Women are walking out of their stereotypical roles, and more and more men support women to earn, chase their dreams,  and be the best version of themselves, even when it is inconvenient. Even when they have to participate in domestic chores, child-raising duties, or other roles that have been traditionally gender-stereotyped. Such limitations hinder women and men from fully realizing their potential, pursuing their professional ambitions, and making autonomous choices that shape their lives. Who is to say that a man can't be a better nurturer than a woman? Or would a woman not add more value in a boardroom with her ideas?

Let people choose who they want to be and what roles they want to play in pursuing their happiness. 

The heart of the movie was in one *scene, though. When Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) meets an elderly woman at a bus stop, she says to her," You are beautiful !" And the elderly woman ( played by Ann Roth, an Oscar-winning costume designer) replies with conviction," I know!" with a slaying expression. 

Age can't wither your beauty or diminish it. You just have to embrace the changes in your body as you gain experience. We are all filled with anxiety about aging and death. We want to stay young forever and inject toxins so our muscles will freeze and will give us a more youthful appearance. But Death (or aging) is nothing to be feared. There is beauty in every phase of life. I may not have the supple skin or thick hair I had in my twenties. But I have the confidence of a woman who has earned a few accolades with determination. I will be 40 soon, but this doesn't scare me.

I am looking forward to it.  And all the adventures life will bring to me. 

(*This scene was almost. cut from the movie, read here why.)

Friday, July 21, 2023

The joys of creation

In the realm of creation, where dreams take flight,

Lies a profound and wondrous delight.

With hands poised to shape and minds set afire,

The joys of creation ignite our inner desire.

In strokes of a brush on a canvas so bare,

A world unfolds, vibrant and rare.

Colors dance and blend, telling tales untold,

A symphony of hues, a masterpiece to behold.

Through words spun with care, on pages they land,

A universe takes form, crafted by hand.

Characters breathe, their stories unfold,

Imagination unleashed, a narrative to behold.

In melodies composed, notes soar and entwine,

Emotions awakened as harmonies aligned.

Each chord a heartbeat, each rhythm a tale,

Music's creation, a journey we hail.

In the shaping of clay, a sculpture takes form,

A vision emerges through patience and warmth.

From the hands of an artist, a figure breathes life,

The joy of creation in sculpting is so rife.

In gardens that bloom, with petals so fair,

Nature's artwork is a gift to share.

From seeds to flowers, a transformation unfolds,

The joys of creation, in nature's manifold.

From buildings of steel to structures of grace,

Architectural wonders, in time and in space.

Lines and curves, spaces conceived,

Creation's marvels, in structures achieved.

Through innovation and invention's embrace,

New horizons are discovered, pushing the limits of space.

Inventions arise, born from the curious mind,

The joys of creation, in discoveries we find.

In each act of creation, be it big or small,

There's a spark of magic, a divine call.

The joy that arises when visions take shape,

Creation's embrace, an escape to reshape.

So embrace the joys of creation's vast sea,

Let your spirit roam; let your mind wander free.

For within us lies a power untold,

The joys of creation forever unfold.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Sea of Love

In a sea of emotions, their love did reside,

Two souls intertwined like the ebbing tide.

They swam in the depths, hand in hand,

Drowning in love beside a pebbly strand.

Their hearts were buoyed by a love so deep,

In an ocean of passion, they ceaselessly leap.

Each breath they took, filled with devotion,

Their souls entwined, an eternal notion.

Their eyes spoke volumes in silent whispers,

As they danced amidst love's gentle blisters.

Their bodies embraced like waves crashing ashore,

Lost in each other, forever wanting more.

Together they swirled in a passionate dance,

An intoxicating rhythm, a lover's trance.

The world faded away as their love took flight,

In this watery realm, where emotions ignite.

They surrendered their fears to love's undertow,

In a watery embrace, they learned to let go.

Their souls intertwined, immersed in desire,

A love so deep, it could never expire.

But like the ocean's depths, love can be rough,

And in its currents, they faced enough trials.

Yet, their bond was unbreakable, their love so pure,

They swam against the tides, forever secure.

For even in the depths, where darkness may reside,

Their love shimmered brightly, a radiant guide.

They drowned in the depths but never in sorrow,

Their love is a lifeline to face each tomorrow.

So let their love be an ocean, vast and wide,

A tale of two souls, forever side by side.

In this watery realm, where love knows no bounds,

They found solace as the depths resound.

A couple drowning in love, together they sway,

Embraced by the currents, they'll never stray.

In this eternal ocean, their love shall endure,

A timeless testament, forever pure.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Bollywood Villains: Amrish Puri

This is a tribute post to one of my favorite villains of Indian cinema. Amrish Puri was a legendary Indian actor who left an indelible mark on the world of cinema with his exceptional performances.  Let's explore some iconic roles (arranged chronologically) that Amrish Puri played throughout his career, spanning over 400 movies. I might have missed a few, but this will give you a good idea.

It stemmed from the conversation this morning when someone posted an image of how AI imagines an Indian GoT cast would look like, and the late Amrish Puri ji was cast as The Night King.

Someone asked: "Is it the bad guy from Indiana Jones Temple of Doom?" I felt the need to educate him,"Yes. Amrish Puri. One of the scariest villains in Hindi cinema. RIP."

Most world cinemagoers know him as the ruthless Thugee cult head Mola Ram practicing child slavery, black magic, and ritualistic human sacrifice in honor of the goddess Kali in the Indiana Jones movie. Years later, Spielberg said about his actor: “Amrish is my favorite villain. The best the world has ever produced and ever will”.

Experience the menace in his voice, even if you don't understand Hindi.

Thakral - "Meri Jung" (1985):

In "Meri Jung," Puri portrayed Thakral, a corrupt lawyer manipulating the legal system for personal gain. Puri's commanding presence and intense performance made Thakral a formidable antagonist. His portrayal added complexity to the character, evoking fear and hatred among the audience. I find it disturbing when educated characters like Thakral can convict an innocent man of murder just for avarice. Their moral compass is so off that it worries you - if lettered and privileged people can be so selfish, how could you expect anything from people who have grown up in more adverse conditions?

Mogambo - "Mr. India" (1987):

My favorite, Mogambo was an eccentric and power-hungry supervillain, synonymous with Puri's portrayal. With his trademark dialogue, "Mogambo khush hua," popular even today, Puri brought a perfect balance of menace and humor to the character, making Mogambo an iconic Bollywood villain.

The name Mogambo came from a 1953 Hollywood film of the same name starring Clark Gable.

General Dong - "Tahalka" (1992):

Amrish Puri's portrayal of General Dong showcased his versatility as an actor. General Dong was a tyrannical military dictator of a country called Dongrila. He kidnapped school girls and plans to use them as suicide bombers to bomb populated areas in India. He even puts some girls into the personal harem, pushing the remaining ones into prostitution and trafficking their limbs and organs for money. Puri's performance revealed the character's sinister nature, creating a sense of dread and fear. His trademark dialogue," Dong Kabhi Wrong nahi hota" was a testament to his hubris that eventually brought him down.

JK-  "Vishwatma"  (1992):

Amrish Puri portrayed a complex and intriguing character named JK. While JK is not a conventional villain in the film, his actions and motives make him a significant antagonist.

JK is a powerful and influential businessman with a hidden agenda. He manipulates the lives of the film's protagonists and plays a pivotal role in driving the narrative forward. Puri's performance as JK brought charm, cunningness, and ruthlessness to the character. What made Amrish Puri's portrayal of JK particularly captivating was his ability to switch between charm and menace effortlessly. 

Dilawar - "Damini" (1993):

In the critically acclaimed film "Damini," Amrish Puri played Dilawar, a corrupt and morally bankrupt politician. Puri portrayed Dilawar with a perfect blend of charm and menace, displaying his character's ability to manipulate and exploit others. His performance in the film earned him widespread praise for portraying a compelling and detestable antagonist.

Thakur Durjan Singh - "Karan Arjun" (1995):

In this reincarnation-themed action drama, Amrish Puri portrayed Thakur Durjan Singh, a tyrant seeking to maintain power and control. Puri's portrayal of the merciless Thakur, with his powerful dialogue delivery and imposing presence, was truly impactful, making him one of the most memorable villains of Bollywood.

Baldev Singh - "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge" (1995):

In this romantic blockbuster, Amrish Puri played Baldev Singh, the strict and traditional father of the female protagonist. Although not a conventional villain, Puri's portrayal of Baldev Singh was unforgettable. He showcased the character's stubbornness, deep-rooted values, and resistance to change, becoming a significant obstacle for the film's young lovers.

It was unusual to see him as a protective patriarch, too stuck on his beliefs to understand what would make his daughter happy. You pity him because he is so optimistic about the match he has arranged for his daughter that he is blind to the incompatibility she will have to deal with for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, such characters are not rare, and I have known parents whose wrong decisions ruined their children's lives. In this movie, however, he sees sense in the end and gives his permission to her to marry someone pf her choice,"Ja Simran, Ja. Jee le apni Zindagi!" I use this when I jovially give permission to a friend to live a little. :D

The joke is - Who are we to decide the fate and choices of anyone else, including our parents, siblings, and children?

Thakur Ranbir Singh - "Koyla" (1997):

In "Koyla," Amrish Puri portrayed Thakur Ranbir Singh, a cruel and oppressive feudal lord. Puri's portrayal of Thakur Singh captured the character's sadistic and tyrannical nature. His commanding screen presence and dialogue delivery added depth and authenticity to the character, making him a formidable antagonist. In fact, the only memorable thing about this movie were the songs and Amrish Puri. 

Chaudhry Baldev Singh - "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha" (2001):

In this historical drama set during the partition of India, Amrish Puri played Chaudhry Baldev Singh, a Muslim-hating politician. Puri skillfully portrayed the character's bigotry and fanaticism, creating a memorable villain who instilled a sense of loathing in the audience. His performance stood out in a film known for its emotional intensity.

Raja Saab - "Nayak: The Real Hero" (2001):

Amrish Puri played Raja Saab, a powerful and influential politician in this political drama. Puri's portrayal of Raja Saab depicts a cunning and manipulative character who stops at nothing to maintain his hold on power. His performance was marked by intensity and conviction, making Raja Saab a memorable villain in the film.

These are just a few examples of the iconic villains Amrish Puri brought to life on the silver screen. His ability to infuse these characters with depth, complexity, and an unmistakable aura of villainy left an everlasting impression on audiences worldwide, at least upon me. His contribution to portraying villains remains unparalleled, cementing his legacy as one of the greatest actors in Bollywood history. Another favorite is probably Pran Sahab. But that is a post for another day.

Amrish Puri ji suffered from myelodysplastic syndrome, a rare kind of blood cancer, and died on January 12, 2005, at 72. He lives on in our hearts and in our imaginations. The true mark of an artist. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Ghost Train

On a misty night, a tale unfolds,

Of a ghostly train, the story holds.

Its wheels creak and moan in spectral plight,

A haunting presence through the moonlit night.

Through shadowed valleys and whispering trees,

It glides on tracks with an eerie breeze.

No living soul aboard this phantom ride,

Only echoes of souls, long since died.

The ghost train chugs on with an ethereal glow,

Through desolate stations that spirits know,

Their final journey, forever bound,

In this spectral realm, can peace be found?

Its whistle wails, a mournful cry,

Across moonlit plains, it does fly.

The ghostly passengers lost and forlorn,

Seeking redemption, from dusk till dawn.

They peer through windows, eyes hollow and sad,

Yearning for release from a fate so bad.

Their haunting whispers, carried by the wind,

A spectral chorus, their sorrows pinned.

Through misty valleys and ancient tombs,

The ghost train roams in eternal gloom.

A spectral spectacle, a haunting sight,

A train of phantoms, lost in the night.

So if you dare to venture near,

Listen closely, and you might hear,

The distant rumble, the spectral wail,

Of the ghost train's journey beyond the veil.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Fashion and inclusivity

Where are we failing as individuals?

We often criticize men for perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, but we must also acknowledge that, as women, we sometimes succumb to these unattainable (and unhealthy) ideals ourselves.

Don't hold back if someone dares to belittle your worth based on your appearance. Anyone who seeks to undermine your confidence is an adversary and doesn't deserve a place in your life. Of course, I'm not referring to friends who genuinely care about your well-being and support you in leading a healthier lifestyle by offering sound advice and setting a positive example.

However, starving your body to the point where any morsel of food makes you ill while failing to recognize anorexia or bulimia as serious disorders can be extremely dangerous. Placing excessive emphasis on maintaining an alarmingly low body weight indicates a lack of depth and substance and the possibility that you may be incapable of engaging in meaningful conversations that capture people's attention for more than a fleeting moment unless they have something to gawk at. It's crucial to exercise your mind as well. Explore interests beyond yourself and discover something that truly captivates you.

Remember, time spares no one, and gravity can be unforgiving. Regardless of how many cosmetic treatments you undergo, the effects of aging will inevitably show. When that day comes, if the sole aspect you value about yourself is your physical appearance, you may find yourself adrift. Don't let that happen. Stay grounded, maintain your sanity, and be kind to yourself. 

Beauty standards be damned.

A brand turnaround

In my MBA Marketing class many years ago, I composed a compelling case study highlighting the necessity for inclusive representation of all body types within renowned brands such as Victoria's Secret, which held the majority share of the U.S. women’s underwear market. I argued that embracing models with average body types would resonate with a broader audience. It would also make better business sense to cater to a highly untapped market. It was not about a man’s fantasy of what a woman should be but what women want to become and are comfortable with. I projected some numbers in a few colorful bar charts and pie charts that would add to the profit margin. I wanted that A+. But I also believed in that argument.

That era of the Victoria's Secret Angels, with their exaggerated Barbie-like physiques and objectifying allure, has ended in recent years. Their iconic wings, adorned with dazzling rhinestones and feathers weighing up to 30 pounds, now lie dormant in storage. The opulent "Fantasy Bra," adorned with genuine diamonds and precious gems, is no longer a centerpiece of their offerings.

Even though I was a fan of the fashion show, it clearly lacked diversity and inclusivity. Victoria's Secret had long perpetuated a specific stereotype by adhering to a predetermined and narrowly accepted portrayal of femininity. However, as the company was at odds with the evolving cultural landscape, facing heightened competition and internal challenges, its chief executive expressed its ambition to become a prominent global "advocate" for female empowerment.

Why it makes more business sense for brands to be inclusive

Integrating inclusivity into a fashion brand may require considerable effort, but the rewards are undoubtedly worth it. Today's customers are actively seeking out brands that embrace diversity and inclusion. By cultivating an inclusive brand, you not only enhance your reputation as a socially responsible company but also demonstrate your commitment to catering to the needs and desires of your valued customers.

Fashion extends beyond mere trends; it serves as a means of self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate their ideas and showcase their unique personalities. In our diverse world, filled with people of varying abilities, we must create fashion that is both functional and universally accessible—an embodiment of inclusive design.

By embracing the principles of inclusive fashion, you can ensure that your garments cater to a wide range of individuals, accommodating their differing needs, abilities, and preferences. This approach allows you to celebrate the beauty of diversity while ensuring that everyone can partake in the joy of fashion, regardless of their unique circumstances.

When you prioritize inclusivity in your brand, you create a more welcoming and accepting space for all individuals. By offering inclusive options, you empower people to express themselves authentically, fostering a sense of belonging and self-confidence. In doing so, you not only cater to the diverse needs of your customers but also foster a deeper connection with them, establishing your brand as a trusted ally on their journey of self-expression.

Monday, July 03, 2023

The Intricate Connection Between Memory, Obsession, and Language Learning: Insights from Research

Memory is the reactivation of a specific group of neurons, formed from persistent changes in the strength of connections between neurons.


The human mind is a fascinating organ, capable of retaining and recalling vast amounts of information. However, sometimes our memories become fixated on a single idea or topic, leading to obsessive thoughts. Additionally, learning a new language can be demanding and heavily relies on memory. This article will explore the intricate connection between memory and obsessing over one thing, delve into the effects of learning a new language on memory, and highlight research-backed methods to improve memory.

Memory and Obsession

Memory is a complex cognitive process that involves encoding, storing, and retrieving information. However, in certain instances, individuals obsess over a single thought or idea. This fixation can arise from various factors such as anxiety, trauma, or a deep interest in a particular subject. When memories related to the chosen topic become intrusive, individuals may struggle to divert their attention elsewhere, leading to an obsessive thought pattern.

Research suggests that obsessive thoughts often result from the heightened activation of specific brain regions involved in memory formation and retrieval. These thoughts tend to reinforce neural connections associated with the fixation, making it difficult to break the cycle of obsession. Understanding the underlying mechanisms at play can help individuals develop strategies to manage obsessive thinking and regain control over their focus and attention.

How does obsession change neural pathways?

Obsession, as a persistent and intense focus on a particular thought, idea, or object, can impact neural pathways in the brain. When someone becomes obsessed with something, their brain undergoes certain changes that can alter the way neural connections are formed and reinforced.

  1. Strengthening of Neural Pathways: Repetitive and intense thoughts associated with an obsession lead to the strengthening of specific neural pathways. This occurs through a process called synaptic plasticity, where connections between neurons become more efficient and stronger with repeated activation. As a result, the neural pathways related to the obsession become more prominent and easier to activate.
  2. Increased Activation in Specific Brain Regions: Obsessions often involve heightened activity in certain brain regions. For example, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and cognitive control, may show increased activation as individuals with obsessions constantly analyze and ruminate over their thoughts. Similarly, the limbic system, involved in emotional processing, may also exhibit heightened activity due to the intense emotions associated with the obsession.
  3. Altered Neurotransmitter Levels: Neurotransmitters, chemical messengers in the brain, are crucial in transmitting signals between neurons. Obsessions can affect neurotransmitter levels, particularly those involved in reward and pleasure, such as dopamine. Dopamine, known to be involved in motivation and reinforcement, can be released in response to the object of obsession, reinforcing the neural pathways associated with it.
  4. Disruption of Other Neural Networks: Obsessions can consume significant cognitive resources and attention, disrupting other neural networks. This can result in difficulty shifting attention, decreased cognitive flexibility, and impaired functioning in unrelated tasks. The brain becomes biased towards the obsession, potentially leading to cognitive inflexibility and reduced adaptability.
  5. Impact on Emotional Regulation: Obsessions often evoke strong emotional responses, such as anxiety, fear, or excitement. Over time, the brain may become sensitized to these emotions, resulting in an exaggerated response even to related cues or triggers. This hypersensitivity can further reinforce the neural pathways associated with the obsession and perpetuate the cycle of obsession.

It's important to note that the exact mechanisms underlying the impact of obsession on neural pathways are still being studied, and individual experiences may vary. However, research suggests that obsessions can induce changes in neural circuitry, reinforcing certain thinking patterns and influencing emotional responses.

Learning a New Language and Memory

Learning a new language is an enriching endeavor that offers numerous cognitive benefits. It challenges memory by requiring the acquisition of new vocabulary, grammatical rules, and pronunciation skills. As individuals embark on their language learning journey, they engage various memory systems to absorb and retain linguistic information.

Research has demonstrated that language learning can have a profound impact on memory. In a study published in the journal "Brain and Language," researchers found that bilingual individuals exhibit enhanced cognitive abilities, particularly in areas related to memory and attention. The constant exercise of switching between languages and inhibiting one language while using another contributes to cognitive flexibility and improved working memory.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the process of learning a new language can lead to structural changes in the brain. For instance, a study published in "Cerebral Cortex" revealed that learning a second language can increase the size and connectivity of certain brain regions associated with memory, such as the hippocampus. These structural modifications suggest that language learning has a lasting impact on memory systems.

Improving Memory: Research-Backed Strategies

  • Practice Spaced Repetition: Spacing out learning sessions over time, rather than cramming information, enhances memory retention. Use techniques like flashcards and spaced repetition software to reinforce and review learned material at optimized intervals.

  • Utilize Mnemonic Devices: Mnemonics involve associating new information with familiar cues or creating vivid mental images. This technique enhances memory retrieval by providing unique and memorable connections.

  • Engage in Regular Physical Exercise: Physical exercise has been linked to improved memory and cognitive function. Regular aerobic exercises increase blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new neurons and enhancing memory consolidation.

  • Get Sufficient Sleep: Sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep per night to allow your brain to process and store information effectively.

  • Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle: Proper nutrition, staying mentally active, managing stress, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption all contribute to maintaining optimal cognitive function.


The connection between memory, obsession, and language learning offers fascinating insights into the workings of the human mind. Obsessive thoughts often stem from a heightened activation of memory-related brain regions, while learning a new language can have a positive impact on memory systems. By employing research-backed strategies to improve memory, individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities, manage obsessive thinking, and optimize their language learning journey. Understanding the intricate relationship between memory and cognition enables us to harness the full potential of our minds.