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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Everyday I see a story

I was walking to some place, for something- don't remember when or why. But I remember what I saw on my way and I want to write it down. Sometimes, I see complete strangers on the road and I see snapshots of their lives. I like to imagine the whole story from mere snippets. I tell no one but today, I'd like to share.

The gracious old man always greeted me with a smile and I smiled back in acknowledgment. I didn't know what language he spoke, where he was from. It was the human connection that transcended all boundaries. I assumed he was living with his kids, 'cause I often saw his wife with an infant in a perambulator, but I never saw the baby's parents. One day, I saw the couple waiting outside the building. His wife seemed upset. I wondered what worried them. Didn't their kids treat them well? I wish I could help, but I knew I couldn't.

At the subway station, I saw a very pretty girl with the prettiest smile. She was looking at someone and smiling. But I guess he couldn't see it. He had a white cane and dark glasses. I wonder if he could feel it. Her happiness when she saw him.

At the airport, there are a thousand more fragments you can gather. There was a very angelic looking child who ran to greet his father. The father kissed the kid generously. I marveled at the pristine beauty of the child, then he turned his head and I saw the other half of his face, which was burned. For one unguarded moment, I felt repelled in horror. I think the father saw me then.

I could tell you some more stories, but I guess I have somewhere to go.


Anonymous said...

They have eyes in the heart to see and feel the colors of happiness that the girl felt :)

Wherever you go, a happy story would be awaiting you!

SOM said...

Some more stories please..

Matangi Mawley said...

hey.. that's so true! every person walking beside you has a story to tell.. :) i believe that too.. i see so many stories every day too.. actually thats from where we all get inspired! isnt tht so?

good one!