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Saturday, August 12, 2023


Dreamcatcher in the night's embrace,

Weaver of dreams, guardian of space.

Hung above with feathers and thread,

Catching the tales of slumber's thread.

In the realm of twilight's gleam,

You dance with stars like a moonbeam.

Trapping worries in your intricate design,

Letting only sweet dreams intertwine.

Spider's art, a delicate feat,

You spin a web where nightmares meet.

But fear not, for you hold the key,

To set the dreamer's spirit free.

Hanging by the bedside, you sway,

As night turns into a brand new day.

Dreamcatcher, with your magic rare,

You chase away darkness, show us care.

Each bead, each loop, a mystic charm,

Guiding us through the night's alarm.

Dreamcatcher, keeper of the night,

You bring us solace, hope's pure light.

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