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Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Ghost Train

On a misty night, a tale unfolds,

Of a ghostly train, the story holds.

Its wheels creak and moan in spectral plight,

A haunting presence through the moonlit night.

Through shadowed valleys and whispering trees,

It glides on tracks with an eerie breeze.

No living soul aboard this phantom ride,

Only echoes of souls, long since died.

The ghost train chugs on with an ethereal glow,

Through desolate stations that spirits know,

Their final journey, forever bound,

In this spectral realm, can peace be found?

Its whistle wails, a mournful cry,

Across moonlit plains, it does fly.

The ghostly passengers lost and forlorn,

Seeking redemption, from dusk till dawn.

They peer through windows, eyes hollow and sad,

Yearning for release from a fate so bad.

Their haunting whispers, carried by the wind,

A spectral chorus, their sorrows pinned.

Through misty valleys and ancient tombs,

The ghost train roams in eternal gloom.

A spectral spectacle, a haunting sight,

A train of phantoms, lost in the night.

So if you dare to venture near,

Listen closely, and you might hear,

The distant rumble, the spectral wail,

Of the ghost train's journey beyond the veil.

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