Many of us are familiar with the Kerr effect, which is a change in the refractive index of a material in response to an electric field.
I guess..the greatest analogy could be that of Love...
Might sound weird.. but consider this...
Romantic love is a state of perpetual ( hopefully) anaesthesia where you mistake an ordinary man /woman for a Greek God/ Goddess
Your imagination imposes virtues on that person which probably don't even exist.
Every one dreams of a perfect match..and this often leads to unrealistic expectations from the other person , making us quite ignorant about the predicament, he/she might be in...
I guess it's quite redundant to say " I LOVE YOU" 100 times a day, when you are NOT making a genuine effort to save your relation.
Coz at the end , romance survives only when you have a firm ground beneath in your feet..
and if you are not sure you can handle it, or chart out your life where two ends can meet..let it go..
Sometimes...it is all you can do.
Time is the wisest counsellor... wait for it to say something.
And in the meanwhile make an effort to discover yourself..
Once you know yourself, the rest will fall in place...
Now, enough of gyaan -daan..
And before Radio City hires me to be the next the LOVE GURU... I will end here...
hello....Well not related to u'r topic...But would like to post something....Hatts of to one who looks life to live fullest
How much?
All materials show a Kerr effect, but certain liquids display the effect more strongly than other materials do.
Hmm…What’s the percentage of liquid in our body?
I just hope that you are not trying to propose something like Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra. Capra gave an explanation of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism. Will it be named Kerr of Love?
We are (rather, I am) happy with your post without technical jargons.
my physics is as weak as my maths and my knowledge about love, so please explain more about it :)
thats a very interestign analogy.. willhave to read up some more about it before i say something more... :-)
but u sure have got some very unique view points in this regard!
... and i will.. sorry for not frequenting ur blog too often these days. btw.. why is everythingu write to be continued now?
Thnx 4 d funda.
U, probably, took my comment very seriously. I m happy 2 find someone taking me seriously.
Let me share a secret: my head reels at the thought of 'Tao of Physics'. I m no good in Physics (or anything, for that matter).
Abt Wikipedia: U r aware that it's up to any netizen to modify the contents so that others can expand their horizon of knowledge.
Pleeease don't take me seriously again.
Aparna Kar..kuch light daalo....thoda simple words mein gyaan baato...am a bit confused abt what ur blog means.
@aparna -- wow! you seem to have some really dedicated commentators... probably 50x more words spent on comments than on the actual post ;-) interesting analogy, btw! but the 'electric' and love feels a little cheesy as a combo ;-)
@puchku -- if only your comment's size was more consistent with your name ;-) just kiddin'
Wow!! you wrote, "It rained yesterday" and 30 comments rained! Impressive
I guess this is KAR effect .. ;)
kerr effect applied on psychology ..
Love is complex, its definition even more so.
But you have tried to explain why relationships fails, atleast i guess so ... hmmm its kinda true but not always ..
P.S: And koi mere blog pey comment karo yaar ..
love ur defintions and explanations on love.. :-)
esp the way u concluded.... its almost surreal how it reflects on life.. :)
well - i agree with love being a state of perpetual anaesthesia [hopefully pertual again]. n yes, its surely faith that has to remain - without that - love purely would cease to exist as rightly pointed..
lastly - TIME is indeed the wisest counseller n no second thoughts about that.. am now on a path to discover myself
but sometimes i feel, am alone on this road....
nice :)
Oye, the perfect match is someone with whom you can work out a relationship with least effort!!!
I would know - I'm a lazy a***hole!
Now I can't agree more on that!
Love shall only be caused by Love, and its effect is only Love
Aabaar Esechi Phire.
Like daft Daashu (Sukumar Ray) I have come back.
Well, I stumbled on this site and thought of sharing the URL with you.
@candid diary
Thanks for the link..
My fav defn of love is:
An energy so pure that it makes life want to happen
lovely article.really liked "The Kerr effect"
Thanks..keep visiting :)
I have begin to believe u now..
Radio Mirchi is definitely going to hire you, some day very soon..!
Either as a Love-Guru or as Smooth-Talker, attention grabber & crowd puller (i don't know how ur voice sounds though, yet).
Or as mirchi hot-shot, saying hot & hip things, & responsible/culpable for making people addicted to your opinions or to you.. :(
still i have to give this compliment: superb english rendition & wonderful diverse knowledge reserve. (& wonderful ideas on love!)
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