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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Writing workshop exercise: Describe a painting

Today, I attended a workshop by Lita Kurth and we had a fun exercise when we had to pick a painting of our choice an describe it.  I think the term associated with it is 'Ekphrasis' ( adjectival form 'ekphrastic') which is a vivid, often dramatic, verbal description of a visual work of art, either real or imagined.

Here is what I chose and what I had to say about it :

Her hair was like flames licking her face and her emerald eyes still like a lake in the mountains on an overcast day. Her lips full and painted brick red. She wore a baggy, mint-green sweater, a woolen cap, and distressed blue jeans. She crossed her arms like she was hugging herself, seeking the comfort she did not find elsewhere. She wanted to remain invisible but she was so conspicuous because of her sadness. It radiated from her like a halo. It did not repel me, it attracted me like a moth is drawn to a candle.  I felt that if I get too close I might singe myself. Is it possible to be attracted and be intimidated at the same time?

I think she is scared of her own thoughts, she seldom speaks. But nonverbal cues say a lot about what she is feeling: raised eyebrows is an interrogation mark, dilated pupils signify surprise and parted lips means that she is receptive to the person she’s talking to.

Beneath her tattoos are buried the marks of abuse. A gift from her mother suffering from drug-induced hallucinations. She was sure she had given birth to the spawn of the Devil. Why else would all her lowlife boyfriends want her daughter instead? The little bitch!

She could’ve given up on life and be dragged into a world of drug abuse and prostitution like her mother. Instead, she educated herself and learn to make music. She spoke through the notes on her violin. 🎻

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