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Monday, December 26, 2022

On dating and keeping the spark alive

SG told me about when his friends from IIT KGP would travel to Kolkata to meet girls in person who appeared attractive online in their pictures. Later, they discovered that they had been catfished by someone who was not as attractive as the pictures or was someone else entirely. The guys lamented later that the trip or the date was not worth it.

I can understand minor photo edits but putting up the pictures of an entirely different person? That takes balls. How would you explain the change in appearance? And how would you expect to find someone who loves you for who you are if you are afraid to be yourself?

Dating is challenging whether you are a trans or a cis woman. I didn’t have to look for love online because I was constantly approached by someone I knew, and the relationship eventually turned into more than friendship. I can not imagine the humiliation of rejection by someone you think you will be great with, but that person doesn’t feel the same.

This has kept me from approaching the only person I ever liked. In the end, he came up with a proposal, but it was too late. I had said ‘yes’ to SG by then. Later, I discovered that it was for the best. The guy I liked was a coward and a Grade-A liar. 

We must thank our stars for not always granting our wishes. We don’t know what is the best for us. We think we do, but we really don’t.

It is also strange how people who chase us through their lives find us so ordinary once they have won us over. Or take us for granted because now we belong to them in an exclusive bond that is not meant to be broken. I think we should always make an effort to chase/woo our partner/spouse, no matter how long we have been together. Because a relationship gets stale when the chase ends.

If nothing else motivates us, we should remember when we wished they were in our arms. A long-distance relationship made me crave a mere touch, some gesture of affection IRL. Video calls and phone calls can’t take care of that aspect of proximity. The closeness with another human being that makes us feel whole after a long and tired day at work.

Test yourself: Imagine your life without the person you take for granted. How will it affect your well-being? Your happiness? Your quality of life? If you are fair in your reasoning, you will see the answer. That honest truth is worth holding onto for the rest of your life.

Relationships transform. They don’t remain the same over time. Our priorities change. Career, kids, money. But as long as you know that the person loves you sincerely and that sincerity is not commonplace, you will be willing to do much more to keep the spark alive. And a lot less that might extinguish it completely.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


 I just had my Humans of New York moment in the United (US547) flight from San Francisco to Lihue today when I met my co-passenger, Janie. She is from Louisiana and lives about 2 hrs from New Orleans. I told her that I have been to Louisiana twice and love the Jazz scene, the Cajun food, the French Quarters there. And thoroughly enjoyed the swamp tour there.

She is a soy bean farmer who plants the crop in May and harvests in September. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to harvest. Then they sell it to the mill.

She showed me videos of her driving the tractor 🚜 and harvesting the beans. I have never seen someone enjoying their job so much.

Her husband has a 1967 Camaro that he was able to fully restore after 11 years.  (You might remember a similar looking 1967 black Chevy Impala that is Dean Winchester's trademark in the TV show Supernatural)(pic)

She told me about this monster catfish she had caught in her property during COVID. It weighed 26 pounds and was from her waist to the ground in length. (Pic)

While talking about her family, she showed me pictures of her children and grandchildren.  Her eldest son is about my age. And the most fascinating thing she shared me with was her transformation from who she was at 54 and who she is at 58. (pic)

The first thing I noticed about her when she walked into the plane was that how fit she looked. She was super nice too.  Offered me her cookies and tic tacs. Made me think of Sangram. He loves popping those.She held out her iphone torch for me when I was trying to find the plug point under my seat. 

She used to walk 5 miles a day once upon a time. Now, she walks whenever she feels like. This is the universe giving me a sign. If she can do it at 58, so can I. So can anyone.

You can find inspiration in the most unexpected places. Only if you are willing to listen. Really listen. 

I asked her if she was on the news because she surely deserves to. This is my way of showing respect 🫡 to an extraordinary woman. Gave her a salute in person too.

And not only that, she insisted that they drop me at my hotel even though it was in the south and their resort was in the north of the airport. All this after they have been traveling for more than 24 hrs. Their flight got delayed so they missed their connecting flight from LA. They flew to SF and decided to take a flight to Lihue from there.

Usually, we get cranky when we are tired. But not one moment during our time together did they make me feel that I was imposing on them. I tried telling them I was taking an Uber. But they would not listen to it. She said she wants to stay in touch during our stay and maybe make plans together. ‘Anything you need, let us know’ she insisted after she dropped me at my resort.

Why are strangers so nice to me sometimes. Maybe I look like a clueless child who needs to be taken care of.

I want to do something nice for them. Let me see. 

( Pics posted with permission)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

On Father's Day 2022

Let me tell you what my father means to me.

Once, I didn’t like what was cooked for dinner at home when I was a moody teen. My mom said - she should eat what is served. But my Dad took it upon himself to cook what he thought I would enjoy- cabbage fry. 

A father sets the baseline of expectations for his daughter of how men should treat her. He taught me to be a princess. Not to be an entitled person but to make demands and to raise my voice when needed. Also, stoicism. Though I still fail to control my emotions at times, I seem to get better at it with age.

During his visit this time, he told me, ‘Very few women get to be as happy as you. Ignore your haters.‘ And it hit me differently. I have a renewed zeal to be happy always. Focusing on what I have. Enjoying and cherishing every moment of my life. Laughing, dancing, taking more pictures. Even my husband noticed this change and said -আজ কাল তুই খুব হাসি খুশি থাকিস (You are very happy nowadays.)

Fathers, with their infinite experience and wisdom, are our pole stars ⭐️ guiding us to our true north. Reminding us what is really important. Who really matters. 

Happy Father’s Day 👨🏻👧🏻

Holy Cross School Agartala

My school friend Sonia/Shatarupa just shared this video with me of our school. It is amazing how green is the place that I left behind. And the world is a dry, cruel place. Yet, as a child, I couldn't wait to see the world and live my life as an adult on my own terms. Sometimes, in my dreams, I go back. If I am stressed, I dream that I am taking an exam without preparation. When I am feeling celebratory, I dream that I have gone on a picnic with my schoolmates. For better or for worse, it will always be a part of me. Of who I was in the past and who I am going to be in the future.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

My thoughts after watching Anek

Anek was a good attempt at showcasing the neglect and stereotypes people from northeast India face on the mainland. But trying to show too much too soon made a plot khichuri. The dialogues could have been better. The understanding of the struggles of NE folks seemed somewhat superficial too. It was a movie made for the mainland audience with a diluted message in a consumable form.  Yet, a brave endeavor. 

Ideological differences between Aido and her father would have been more impactful if she had said something more poignant while bidding each other goodbye. Still, some things resonated well - 

Our fights may be different but we have to respect what everyone is fighting for.

It is easier to maintain a war than peace ☮️ 

Peace and peace accords are different things.

The diversity of Indian culture is not easily accepted by an average Joe. I have seen firsthand the discrimination North East women face in Delhi because of their features. They are usually the ones who are targeted for sexual assault because they are labeled ‘loose’ or because they live away from their families, without a support system.

I have grown up in Agartala, the capital of Tripura. It was very surprising how very few people knew where it was. Someone even asked - ‘is it in Myanmar? ‘

Most kids from my generation chose to do their undergrad on the mainland. Either the IITs, RECs, or private colleges. Some chose to say that they are from West Bengal to avoid further explanation. I always chose to say that I am from Tripura and explained what it was famous for. Where it is geographically located etc. I felt that if I don’t educate people, who will? If I don’t represent my roots, who will?

I was proud to hail from where I hailed. Even more so because the journey has been so variegated. I have lived a small-town life, a city life, and a life in suburbia. All locales, like all countries, have their pros and cons. It is up to you whether you enjoy the positives or waste your time cribbing about the negatives. I am glad to see that the new generation of kids has transformed my hometown so much that it has a lot more services available that we could not even think of in our times. Their entrepreneurial mindset has brought about the changes that I wish we had while growing up. Options for decent hotels, hair salons, stores for designer clothes, and even doctors who pay home visits have increased in the past few years. One thing is for sure- progress can be made only when you believe in something, and risk undertaking something even with the fear of failure. I salute the spirit and minds of the new generation and I rest peacefully thinking that the people I left behind will have a better quality of life because of this.

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Selected poems of Amitabha Kar / নির্বাচিত অমিতাভ কর

Here are three of my favorite poems from Selected Works of Amitabha Kar ( নির্বাচিত অমিতাভ কর )

Published by Niharika Prokashani
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Send some love to our Police Poet (পুলিশ কবি) and my father, Amitabha Kar

Wanted to publish it in April but got delayed due to unavoidable circumstances. 
Hopefully, the poet's eyesight will get better next time and he will be able to read us his poems in his own voice. Until then, happy to be the conveyor of this legacy. Not politics or power. Just pure art. With phono aesthetics and symbolism, I complete the paintings in my mind when I read the words and am transported to a different world. A welcome escape from the vagaries of everyday life. Thanks for reminding why poetry is important.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Do not judge people based on what they wear

So tired of seeing women judge other women on hemlines and necklines. Seems like we live in a Victorian society where it was scandalous for women to show their ankles or elbows in public because those were sexualized body parts. 🙄

If a girl feels good about herself in a short skirt or a deep-neck blouse, so be it. If she can carry it without looking vulgar, more power to her. 💪🏻

Ironically, some of the loosest morals I have seen are in women who keep their whole bodies covered but think nothing of sleeping with someone else’s husband. Or fantasizing about them.🤣

I have more respect for a woman who dresses sexy just for herself. But her attitude is such that no one would dare mess with them. And it doesn’t come just from clothes. It is something from within. So, every time a woman dresses up, do not flatter yourself to think that she is doing it for you.

She loves herself enough to invest that time. And whether she chooses to bare her body or keep it covered, it is her choice. Stop being such aunties!

Honestly, my mom is more progressive in matters like these. So calling these people ‘aunties’ is also a misnomer.

P.S. People who think it is against our culture should see how women dressed in ancient India in temple sculptures and paintings. All midriffs and boobs.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

সুমিত্রা কর তরুণ লেখক সম্মান : প্রসঙ্গ-কথা

Post Courtesy: Niharika Prakashani

Picture by me during one of my visits home when I was in B-school.

সুমিত্রা করের জন্ম ১৯১৯ খ্রিস্টাব্দের ৬ অক্টোবর৷ পিতা সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ সেন, কুমিল্লার বিখ্যাত দেওয়ানী আইনজীবী৷ মাতা স্বর্ণলতা সেন, গৃহবধু৷ শিশু সুমিত্রা মাত্র চার বছর বয়সে মাতৃহীন হন এবং বড়দাদা সুধীরচন্দ্র সেন এবং বৌদি সুধা সেনের কাছে মানুষ হন৷ ভিক্টোরিয়া কলেজের অধ্যাপক বড়দাদার বাড়িতে ছিল সাহিত্য-সংসৃকতির এক অনুপম আবহ৷ কুমিল্লার তখনকার গুণী মানুষেরা নিয়মিত যাতায়াত করতেন তাঁদের বাড়িতে৷ তরুণী সুমিত্রার গানের গলা ছিল সুন্দর৷ তখনকার সময়ে তিনি কৃতিত্বের সাথে ইন্টারমিডিয়েট উত্তীর্ণ হন৷ এরপর পারিবারিক অসুবিধায় আর প্রথাগত পাঠ লাভ করতে পারেননি৷ কিন্তু তিনি ছিলেন বাংলা সাহিত্যের এক ক্ষুধার্ত পাঠক৷

শিক্ষক অবনীমোহন করের সঙ্গে ১৯৪৭ সালে তিনি বিবাহবন্ধনে আবদ্ধ হন৷ দেশভাগের অব্যবহিত পরেই এই নবদম্পতিকে পূর্ব-পাকিস্তান ছেড়ে নিঃস্ব অবস্থায় আগরতলা চলে আসতে হয়৷ অন্য অসংখ্য শরণার্থীদের মতোই তারা শুরু করেন নতুনভাবে বেঁচে থাকার সংগ্রাম৷ সুমিত্রা কর তাঁর জীবনের মধ্য দিয়ে সন্তানদের শিখিয়েছিলেন অন্যদের উৎসাহ প্রদানের মতো একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গুণ৷

তিনি ২০১১ খ্রিস্টাব্দের ২৩ এপ্রিল ৯২ বছর বয়সে প্রয়াত হন৷ তাঁর স্মৃতিতে তাঁর জ্যেষ্ঠপুত্র অমিতাভ কর ২০১৯ খ্রিস্টাব্দ থেকে নীহারিকা পাবলিশার্সের সহযোগিতায় ‘সুমিত্রা কর তরুণ লেখক সম্মান’ প্রদান শুরু করেছেন৷

২০১৯ খ্রিস্টাব্দ থেকে নীহারিকা পাবলিশার্স এবং সুমিত্রা কর তরুণ লেখক সম্মাননা প্রদান পর্ষদ যৌথ উদ্যোগে ত্রিপুরায় জন্ম, অনূধর্ব ৪০ বছর বয়সী একজন সম্ভাবনাময় কবি, লেখক অথবা গবেষককে এই সম্মাননা প্রদান করে আসছে৷ ২০২২ সালে এই সম্মান পাচ্ছেন কবি পায়েল দেব। এর আগে এই সম্মান পেয়েছেন চিরশ্রী দেবনাথ (২০১৯), জ্যোতির্ময় দাস (২০২০), অভিজিৎ জক্রবর্তী (২০২১)৷

Saturday, February 26, 2022

PoeTea presents Amitabha Kar and Aparna Ganguly

Coming soon!

The trick to having hope is to always have something to look forward to. 

PoeTea presents
Amitabha Kar and Aparna Ganguly

Hosted by 
Mike McGee

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Announcement: Solicitation for an anthology

I am thinking of designing an anthology of poems called ‘Love Notes’ before this Valentine’s Day. If you are interested in contributing, write a love note to yourself or to someone/something you love and submit it to me by Jan 31, 2022. I will edit and publish it digitally so you can enjoy reading it with your friends and family. ❤️❤️❤️

Your work can be published under your name or anonymously. Let me know your preference.