Me at Agra Fort,2006. Courtesy:Bro
This is a testimonial I recently got from an old school buddy-
"When you are all alone with ur back stuck against the dark wall of lonliness,when nothing seems right and monsters run in ur head, when life seems a never ending sea of misery and you have no shore of hope,when you are lost in a jungle and have no way to get out, when you believe death is better than life..... one moment that makes you pull urself up, the moment where you want to fight for a cause, the moment which makes u feel you are not a loser, and the moment you find that life is precious and misery is too little compared to the happiness that you've ever felt....yes... that lil moment which is far bigger and greater than your entire life....
.... is my dear " APU "
I had almost forgotten the happiness I was capable of giving myself and to others..
I can confess..I had forgotten to smile...
I had a junior named Anchal in college, who called on me just before I was about to leave after the completion of my course. She sat face to face in my hostel room and said -
"Lara* Ma'm...there is something I need to say..
You might have often wondered why I am so fiercely devoted to you.
I want to say that you had saved my life unknowingly.
One day I was very very depressed, and was contemplating suicide when I just happened to cross the canteen where I saw you laughing with your friends.
The ring of your laughter, and the smile on your face appeared so divine, so magical that I stopped for a while and wondered if this isn't what life is all about?
But what was I doing to myself?
The following day I came over to you to fetch a book..but that was just an excuse to know you better..and I haven't regretted it.
You have taught me to live...
Promise me today..no matter what..
you will never let that smile of yours fade away...
If not for yourself, for thousands like me
who learnt to smile again after seeing you"
Needless to say, I was touched and I had promised her that day, I'd try my best.
For the past few months, my life has been one roller-coaster ride..and I am referring ONLY to my personal domain.
It has been a long chain of crests and troughs of alternate ecstasy and depression..until I reached a moment where I thought I'd go mad!!!
But there was this li'l moment which happenned..which made me feel..there was no yesterday..
And tomorrow is a vision of hope
Of wondrous joy,
Of happiness more than I thought I was capable of..
And I want to thank the person who brought it unto me
Thank you :)
(* I was nicked "Lara" by my father because I was an ace in figuring out secret passages in Tomb Raider..
and Ma'am coz our juniors had to address us as SIR or MADAM in college..)